Submitted by seyore on

Address Information


Number of Beds

Apartment Types

Monthly Fee Range

Income Subsidies (other than G.A.F.C.)?
Is your Residence a Special Care Residence or have Special Care Residence units as defined by the Executive Office of Elder Affairs? Y or N

Type of Ownership

References (minimum of two) - must be a physician, hospital or other nursing home and/or commercial or banking and finance (for organizations, please list name of individual to contact).
Full name Title Organization or facility name Telephone number Operations
Your reference's full name
Your reference's title within their organization
Your reference's organization or facility name
Your reference's email address
Your reference's telephone number
Your reference's full name
Your reference's title within their organization
Your reference's organization or facility name
Your reference's email address
Your reference's telephone number


If accepted to membership, I pledge, on behalf of the facility, to abide by the laws, bylaws, and professional ethics and standards of the Massachusetts Senior Care Association.  In the event of termination of membership, it is hereby agreed that any and all certificates and other indications of membership will be promptly surrendered.